After the development and designing of an application is done then the testing phase will test whether it is up to mark with all the essential features or not. This browser compatibility testing tool allows the tester to test a website in any browser and operating system. Browserling did a custom cross-browser testing solution for UK's National Health Service. the platforms used, the time when tests are executed, the site’s sections tested, etc.) (1) What to test. Some of the most popular are: Some of the most popular are: Browsershots: A free and simple tool that takes screenshots of your website, showing how it looks on various browsers running on the Windows, Mac, Linux, and BSD operating systems. It is a free open-source online web application providing developers a convenient way to test their website's browser compatibility in one place. Run your Selenium test automation scripts across online selenium grid of desktop, Android and iOS mobile browsers. Browser compatibility testing is a stage that needs special attention in the QA process. Our application needs to operate in complicated sub optimal technological environments where legacy software is popular and unrealistic expectations to meet modern standards impose … Get Started Browsershots makes screenshots of your web design in different operating systems and browsers. Browser Compatibility Testing can be a daunting task, especially if you don’t know where to begin with. Compatibility testing is a non-functional testing technique, which is generally performed to validate and verify the compatibility of the developed software product or website with various other objects, such as other web browsers, hardware platforms, users, operating systems. Develop, test, and deliver faster every time with automated cross browser testing using LambdaTest online Automation Browser Testing Grid. Though some cross-browser testing services may allow you to use to test on tons of obscure browsers, this is typically not necessary. Browser compatibility testing — as scary as the name sounds, it demands effort, and a lot of it! Selenium Test Automation on Online Desktop Android and iOS Mobile Browsers. Browsercam BrowserCam is a browser compatibility testing tool that allows you to check how your web site is displayed using different browsers and operating systems. Most web developers focus on the most popular browsers. It is so important because results might be different depending on many variables (i.e. There are a number of quality assurance testing tools and software available for cross-browser testing. The use of compatibility testing is to make sure the software application is working fine in all aspects of browsers, database, hardware, operating system, mobile devices, and networks. The service works on all major web browser running on Windows, Os X, and Linux Fedora Core 6. It will require a lot of concentration, effort and time to successfully test it. Forward compatibility and backward compatibility are two types. Spoon is a good resource that lets you live test your website using the most popular browsers, including Opera, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. When you submit your web address, it will be added to the job queue. For Browser compatibility testing, we don't have to go for the VMware setup, since multiple browsers can be installed in a single machine as well as they also are accessed simultaneously. Please Note: Actual download speed during test-taking may vary depending on your testing lab's bandwidth availability and usage at that time Browser Compatibility Testing Tools. Owing to its features and available customizations, this tool is widely used. Make a pattern to test your application in equal interval of time to confirm browser and operating system compatibility.